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Excel-erator Download Complete product ready to install
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Gumbo Mail Download Complete product ready to install
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Information Product description and pricing
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Manual Product manual PDF
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Policy Communications You can expect from us
Maintenance Maintenance Services
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Product Authorization Details for permanent authorization
Comparison Comparison of the features, similarities and differences between products
Questions Frequently asked general questions
Hot Site How to automatically authorize a product to a second system
List List of products and related information
Price List of product prices
Release History Product release history and enhancement summaries.
Testing How to test a new release of a product without disturbing production
Report Designer Download Complete product ready to install
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Report Manager  Download Complete product ready to install
Enhancements For current release PDF
Information Product description and pricing
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Maintenance Maintenance Services
Manual Product manual PDF
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Spool-a-Matic Download Complete product ready to install
Enhancements For current release PDF
Information Product description and pricing
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Maintenance Maintenance Services
Manual Product manual PDF
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SpoolMail Download Complete product ready to install
Enhancements For current release PDF
Information Product description and pricing
License License Agreement
Maintenance Maintenance Services
Manual Product manual PDF
Upgrade Upgrade Policy
Technical Authentication SMTP authentication V6R1M0 and later
Authentication TLS SMTP authentication with encryption V6R1M0 and later
Authentication CA Cert SMTP authentication set up needed CA certificate
Authentication V5R4M0 SMTP authentication V5R4M0 work around
CCSID CCSID selection suggestions and information
Certificates Public Key Infrastructure Certificates
Digital Signatures Implementation information
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